Evolution's Relevance to Homeopathy
In 1995, Dr. Jan Scholten published Homeopathy and the Elements, where he introduced the idea that each row of the periodic table represents a period of life, and each column represents a stage of human growth and development. The structure of the periodic table provided homeopaths with a new way to understand remedies and remedy themes just by knowing the remedy's position on the table.
In 2013, Scholten revolutionized the field of homeopathy once more with Plant Theory. Using a multi-dimensional version of the periodic table, he was able to codify the remedies from the plant kingdom into the same framework used for the mineral remedies. His work paved the way to the codification of all the homeopathic remedies into a logical framework.
Currently, homeopaths are bringing order to the remedies of the animal kingdom using a variety of organizational structures. Although seemingly different from Scholten’s structure, these proposed structures are actually quite similar.
The systematization of homeopathic remedies has been long overdue. The contributions from homeopaths like Vithoulkas, Norland, Sankaran, Yakir, the Joshi’s, Gandhi and so many more have advanced our understanding of remedy relationships and kingdoms.
Below is my initial attempt to apply Scholten’s theories to the animal kingdom. As we come to understand animal remedies better, through clinical work and provings, it will be easier to codify the animals within the classification system. That being said, the parameters provided here create a logical framework of thinking about each division.